About the company
This company is indeed my third – and in the true order – first child.
I founded it in 1998 and since then I have been consistently leading and developing it. At the very beginning, I was working with my clients alone, then in a small team of several people. Today, there are 15 of us, creating teams that support various areas of services.
My mission, and thus the mission of the company, is to support entrepreneurs in the area of accounting, human resources and payroll, but also in the area of analyzing economic processes and strategies of their own businesses.
Being an entrepreneur for over twenty years, I know perfectly well how necessary is extensive accounting, tax and management knowledge to ensure that business assumptions are implemented as expected. I am also aware that most entrepreneurs haven’t such a knowledge and, what is more important, don’t want to have it. Running a business takes enough time and energy to leave accounting and tax matters to someone else. This is the role of our office. We want to be like a chip with information that you can connect to your own business and download in an accessible form what is useful for You.
What fascinates me in my work and what gives me the greatest satisfaction are the successes of my clients. I like working with thriving entrepreneurs who build well-functioning companies, taking care of the people they employ and focus on development in accordance with the applicable legal and tax system, but also optimally using the opportunities that this system gives them.
I believe that good communication and good cooperation with your accountant can contribute to the success of your company as well. It can increase the comfort of running a business and give you space to develop it.
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Agata Wyszyńska
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent viverra libero ac sapien egestas lacinia. Donec dapibus, nunc et volutpat semper, nulla est dictum nisl, at laoreet ante nibh eu dolor. Nunc scelerisque urna libero, nec gravida ante sollicitudin eu. Morbi dictum, mauris ac lacinia tempus, augue nisl posuere diam, ac commodo erat elit sit amet ligula. In auctor lorem orci, ut commodo tellus elementum et. Maecenas maximus elementum leo nec consequat. Maecenas tincidunt placerat urna non iaculis. Sed sed arcu laoreet, elementum lorem nec, sagittis urna. Sed commodo ante tincidunt, eleifend dolor eu, tincidunt enim. Pellentesque porta id neque vitae tempus. Nunc suscipit vel sapien at aliquet. Morbi vitae accumsan mauris.
Suspendisse eu lectus sit amet risus placerat hendrerit. Nunc accumsan ante in massa iaculis feugiat. Morbi commodo non sapien sed sagittis. Duis iaculis urna mattis, malesuada est eget, porttitor metus. Nulla eget pharetra tellus, eget eleifend justo. Maecenas sed aliquet urna, sit amet viverra neque. Mauris auctor porta porta. Vestibulum facilisis nunc porta nulla vehicula laoreet in at libero. Cras scelerisque purus malesuada luctus commodo. Phasellus consequat volutpat quam, at venenatis lacus ultricies sit amet.
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